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Il Pignarûl è un alto ammasso di legna e fieno che per tradizione viene acceso la sera del 5 o molto più frequentemente quella del 6 gennaio in alcune zone della nostra regione. È un rituale che sembrerebbe essere legato all’adorazione di Belanu, divinità protoceltica della luce.
The Kot waterfalls are a small naturalistic jewel. It is an itinerary suitable for everyone as long as you pay minimal attention to the particularly slippery terrain. Once upon a time it was the water that ran continuously throughout the year that provided the energy for the mills.
The Celtic Hypogeum is an underground site, entirely dug into the rocky bank along the bank of the Natisone river. It consists of three underground chambers connected to each other. The main one, at the entrance, allows access to the other rooms arranged on a lower level.
It's the Carnival of a small mountain town, where everyone knows each other, where the faces are hand-carved, where everyday life takes inspiration for the pranks to play, taking advantage of the hidden identity.
Since time immemorial, in the heart of the Tarvisio valleys, and in neighboring regions such as Carinthia, Bavaria, Alto Adige and Slovenia, a unique and fascinating festival has been celebrated. Dressed as a bishop, San Nicolò, on the evening of December 5th, passes through the houses, flanked by the frightening Krampus.
The “Farie Geretti” is a small historical jewel: a blacksmith's shop, the latest example of a rich and long Cividale artisan tradition. Antonio Geretti inherited the business from his father Pietro and initially learned the art of working metal with creativity and attention to tradition.
Il Baule del Diavolo has been held for several years now on the fourth Sunday of each month from 08.00 to 20.00 in Piazza del Duomo, Largo Boiani and Piazza Foro G. Cesare, with a potential capacity of around 120 stalls. One area is reserved exclusively for children.
Located on the top of a rocky hill, 618 meters above sea level, the sanctuary of the Madonna di Castelmonte (Madone di Mont in Friulian, Stara Gora – ancient mountain – in Slovenian) is one of the oldest Marian sanctuaries in Italy. Its origins date back to the first millennium of our era…
You know, Cividale is rich in history and evocative places where you can savor all of this… The area of Via Mulinuss is particularly suggestive, due to its urban structure and naturalistic context.
Walking through the streets of the city you will surely come across the Palazzo or Castello Creiger, it stands in via Nicolò Canussio, along the line marked by the second ring of the city walls from the Roman and late ancient times. On the site there was the Palazzo dei nobili Canussio.

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